Trending Tips to see off a successful Holiday Marketing Campaign


World over, most marketers look forward to the holiday seasons to generate more business and revenue. With the world going online, one of the most important ways to capture your consumers’ mind share is by going online too with your campaigns. We’ve come across some tips from the experts for marketers to ensure successful online campaigns. Here goes some of those tips:

  • Re-targeting your customer – studies suggest that website visitors require more than 7 interactions (on an average) to finally make an online purchase. Retargeting your consumer wouldn’t be a bad idea in such a scenario.  More over the messaging can be unique and more specific to your targeted consumer.
  • Social Network Strategy – Another way of making it big would be to evolve the social strategy around the campaign.  One needs to move beyond the Facebook likes and generation of fans to think about generating revenue from the platform. This also means reaching out to other social media avenues as well.
  • Optimize Paid Advertisements– Need to make your presence felt from a gamut of other retailers- use paid advertisements to let others know that you exist.
  • Tailor-Promotions for different gadgets– Online deals can be made through laptops, mobiles, tabs and so on. With each devise having its own optimization requirements for apps and ads, marketers need to cater to these needs accordingly.
  • Price Sensitivity- Keep your eyes and ears open to those price sensitive customers. Provide online coupons, deals and other means to give your consumer offers at the optimal costs. Make sure you have campaigns informing your consumers on these offers.
  • Don’t miss the dates- Don’t keep your eyes off the calendar.  Those holiday patterns can prove beneficial for you.

These strategies have worked wonders for many in the market and will be useful to you as well as the holiday season approaches. After all, you need to move on from existing strategies to improvising to newer ones!